Painting Stages in the Red Orchid

Verna Brady photographed the process of painting the Red Orchid to show her process

Of painting abstracts from nature subjects.


red orchid Verna started with a red orchid plant which inspired her, and drapery.
red orchid collage drawing out Drawing out collage pieces to use in the Red Orchid painting.
collage cut out Collage pieces cut out and ready.
Initial painting before collage added..
collage pieces added to painting Collage pieces added.
collage Collage pieces added and back on easel for next stage.
side view again Early stage of painting.


Another perspective of painting.

Painting from another side, developing.
10 More development.
9 Sideways view to paint from all sides to balance painting.
11 Another view of painting Red Orchids.
final view Nearly final view of painting.
final red orchids

Final version of the painting Red Orchids.




For more photos and explanations of Verna's painting process, see the artist at work page.

Also see her lectures.

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